Production Blog
Hello its me Gabriel. I officially went through all my blogs and i will break down everything I have done so far. I made sure to get photos of myself in such places as in my house in out n places I enjoy being in such as the gym and the park. I also took videos at those places for my video requirement in the commercial. I made sure to caption my photos throughout the commercial to make sure people know where I have been.I added selfies of me and friends and some photos from me throughout the years. I also made sure Included some pictures of me with my family. I developed a look to display my hobbies in my commercial. I added a voice-over telling my commercial and I showed the video clips simultaneously. I added background music to make the flow smooth and captivating in order to improve the entire experience. I maintained a smooth appearance in the commercial with transitions.I also showed it to my friends and my family. They recommended that I turn the volume of my voice-over up so I did. My peers also recommended that I should probably add music. I ended up doing that for my commercial. Well that is all for this blog see you in the next one.
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