Production Blog
Hello, it is me Gabriel here again back with another blog. In the first blog, I discussed my initial plan on where to film my blog. However, on the second blog, some things changed and now I have decided to change my film location a little bit. Since I discussed where I will be filming I am now going to discuss how I filmed the first section of my video. It's also worth noting that I was in full costume and had all my props ready during these takes I wanted to make sure that every aspect of my appearance and the items I used in the video were describing the plot of the video I was recording. Since I had my phone as a quality recorder I already said that I would be using my phone to tape every shot. So I first had my recorder set up the shot of me walking down the neighborhood it was a wide shot to show the path of me heading to the said location. One important detail I paid attention to was sound. I made sure to mute the audio during these wide shots because I wanted to have complete control over the auditory experience in my video. I didn't want any ambient noises to interfere with the music and narration that would accompany the visuals. So after those wide shots of where I heading I cut to a medium shot to face me as I was using lyrics of the music video to describe what I was doing. Eventually, I was done with the very first area of the first half of my music video. So now since it is a different location at a different time we are officially at scene 2. Scene 2 will be when I am close to the said location. Which will be around the neighborhood of that location. I will use that area to film more shots but I will go more in-depth next blog. This blog was the beginning of my filming process of the said filming. There is still another blog where I will explain how I filmed the second scene. Thank you for reading this blog, onto the next one.
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