Group Blog

 Hello it is Gabriel Blandon and this is my group blog for my final project. After all these projects I will be discussing who I am working with today. Last project I worked with my friend Blake on the music video. But this time this is not the case. Even though I have a general idea of what I am doing, I still don't know whether I should partner up with one group or another. I have two options, I could work with Jake and his friend. Or I could work with Isaac and his friend. If anything happens however I might just work alone. However if I do work in a group I expect to be the editor and the actor in the film. I feel like I now have enough experience to edit videos as well as act in them. Like my previous project which was the music video I was an actor in the video. I feel like both skills have improved and I hopefully wish to prove that in these next couple of months. I have been weighing both pros and cons of this however. I know that Jake and his friend are less likely to help with editing but more likely good with a pitch/coming up with the actual video. Isaac and his friend on the other hand will probably more helpful all round but less responsive and probably harder to communicate with. With my previous project with Blake the communication between us was alright and the ideas we had was very mediocre. I hope for this project it is a different experience and possibly easier and more accessible to work with. As I move forward I will eventually see which group will best suit me or all around just work solo. I am very eager to see how this project unfolds. This is Gabriel onto the next blog.


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