Title Design
The opening credits of my film will appear after the final recorded scene in a big font that can portray the title as some sort of action adventure and will be a seperate scene in the center with a black background-
Some credits will be shown in the first couple of scenes in the park but mainly in the office where the spy works
●Title: The title of this film is most likely to be “Sudden Strike.”
● It will be Bolded with an underlines: SOMETHING ALONG THIS STYLE.
● Titles will appear with a sudden flash/cut on to the screen. they will come on as a fade in and fade out the same way
● Titles will last for 3 seconds.
● I will be using a white font throughout the whole opening sequence and if the background is too light I will add a black highlight around the letters it will look like this: DIRECTED BY: GABRIEL BLANDON
● The main characters and producers will have a bigger font and then the background characters will have a smaller font.
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