Title Research: (Rush Hour)
the opening sequence was on youtube
- What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?1
There are multiple titles that are displayed throughout this film such as the director and producer, multiple actors, as well as the people worked throughout the film. However it names the stars in the first couple of seconds then displays the title and afterwards just names actors the rest of the film
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The opening sequence of the movie features the city than cuts to a boat where people are working for someone and at the end of the clip it shows the main character about to start up confrontation with the people on the boat.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening scene
It established a kind off action theme that the main character is about into some sort of confrontation and it grabs the viewers attention like it grabbed mine. the leading up to the clip kind of builds up tension and it is a great way to start a movie.
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