Production Blog: Finishing Filming

 Good Afternoon! It is me Gabriel and welcome back to another blog. After discussing what I did for continuing to film we are now going to finish filming. We came along way from just planning everything out.Now we are going to finally wrap this up.Since I filmed at the park and I got everything I needed at the park. Today we are going to Miami to finish filming for my project. I got my costume that I needed to be able to film this scene. My costume is a full suit. Now that I had my costume I was going to start filming. Filming was easy it was just making sure I got all the scenes right. I made sure to do double takes and everything. I also made sure to do rehearsals. I do not want this film to end up in a weird looking weird. I feel like alot of films are produced okay but still have a bit of amateur weird feel. I do not mind the amateur feel but I do mind the weird feel. I feel like everybody should do double takes. However I think that is all for filming now. I will finally gather my film clips together and start editing. That is all for now for my blog. Until then see you later.


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