
Showing posts from January, 2024



Title Design

 The opening credits of my film will appear after the final recorded scene in a big font that can portray the title as some sort of action adventure and will be a seperate scene in the center with a black background- Some credits will be shown in the first couple of scenes in the park but mainly in the office where the spy works ●Title: The title of this film is most likely to be “Sudden Strike.” ● It will be Bolded with an underlines: SOMETHING ALONG THIS STYLE. ● Titles will appear with a sudden flash/cut on to the screen. they will come on as a fade in and fade out the same way ● Titles will last for 3 seconds. ● I will be using a white font throughout the whole opening sequence and if the background is too light I will add a black highlight around the letters it will look like this: DIRECTED BY: GABRIEL BLANDON ● The main characters and producers will have a bigger font and then the background characters will have a smaller font.

Other Info

 Schedule  2/10/23-2/11/23 Filming will begin. I will film all of the shots at the park them, which occur in the first scenes. I will also record the voice -overs, which occur in that first couple of scenes, and the ending scene, scene 3, on this date.    2/17/23-2/18/23 I will finishing filming. This means filming the scenes with the spy and the main character in different locations which will be my house and another one which would be scenes 4-8.    2/20/23-2/21/23 after reviewing clips on the 19th I will be begin editing my film and put the clips into my video editor (davinci resolve) and will use that to piece the film together.       LOCATION I will film at my house as well as the road next to my house for extra scenes   I will also film at the park to get the first shots for my opening scenes And for the final couple of scenes I will be filming at an alternative house PARTICIPATING Actors Gabriel Blandon - Spy Gabriel Blandon - S...


 location of scene (LOS): soccer field Agent #1 [in background] "speed...." "strength...." "agility....." "finesse..." [background music]   location of scene (LOS): Marks Residence Soccer Player (MARK) [in background] "it began like any other day" "i didn't expect anything out of the ordinary" Agent #2 "is this mark?" Mark "yes?" Agent #2 "well man do I have some news for you......"   As well as on the road next to my house      

Title Research: (Rush Hour)

  the opening sequence was on youtube     - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?1  There are multiple titles that are displayed throughout this film such as the director and producer, multiple actors, as well as the people worked throughout the film. However it names the stars in the first couple of seconds then displays the title and afterwards  just names actors the rest of the film - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening sequence of the movie features the city than cuts to a boat where people are working for someone and at the end of the clip it shows the main character  about to start up confrontation with the people on the boat.   - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening scene It established a kind off action theme that the main character  is about into some sort of confrontation and it grabs the viewers attention like it grabbed mine. the leading up to the clip kind o...

Title Research: (Rocky II)

 the opening sequence was on youtube     - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?  There are multiple titles that are displayed throughout this film such as the director and producer, multiple actors, as well as the people worked throughout the film. They do not display the main title in the film but display the people who worked on it - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening sequence of the movie features images of a car driving throughout the city and is displaying shots of the skyline as well as the car moving throughout, showing the title themes.   - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening scene It established a kind off adventure theme as near the end of the film it pans to a crowd where there is a commotion of sorts going on and it kinda leaves like you like "whats about to happen?" type of vibe

Title Research: (Die Hard)

the opening sequence was on youtube     - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?  There are only two titles that are displayed throughout this opening sequence .The first title which is labeled " A JohnMclane film" which is the producer of the film. The second title is called "Bruce Willis"   - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening sequence of the movie features images of Nakatomi Plaza, the setting where much of the film takes place. The shots showcase the exterior and interior of the Nakatomi Plaza building, establishing it as a prominent location in the story.    - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening scene It established a kind off action - mysterious theme as in the plane it shows him hiding a gun and as a viewer you would wonder what he is as he gets off the airplane

Title Research: Art of the Title Website Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

 The reason I chose these two sites to research title sequences is because of two reasons. Those two sites both offer a variety of different types of title screens one can choose from. Multiple categories as well which could help you pick out a design you want to incorporate when doing your blog. Personally I prefer watch the titles as they offer a better website design and a variety of different titles that I personally feel like fit my aesthetic better. Rather than art of the titles which do also have a variety of different titles but I feel like they do not offer the same type of quality titles that watch the titles does. This is the beginning of research stay tuned for more